Our Focus

Sterilisation is the main focus of our work. Followed by

  1. Adoptions
  2. treatment of sick and injured dogs and
  3. hospice care for old Street dogs.

Invariably we end up spending more time and effort on rescuing female puppies. Female pups are almost always taken away from the mother dog and abandoned in an area close to where we feed strays or near our homes.

Even so with 47 successful adoptions, both locally and in cities across India, we are slowly changing the perception locals have about female puppies.

Most people now know about sterilisation and are more open to adopting female pups because they know they have the option of getting them sterilised at 6 months of age.

We treat and manage illnesses and injuries of not just street dogs in and around Ranikhet but also pet dogs and community animals in the surrounding villages.
Lastly, any old dog/abandoned pet at the end of their life has a home with me. I have brought home four old dogs so far who have left this world in a warm bed instead of dying alone on the streets.
