Our Story

It all began when a female puppy walked into our life. We asked around if someone wanted a pet, but everyone said we don’t want a female dog. We kept her. Tried to get her sterilised, did not find one vet within a 120km radius who would do it. She got pregnant and delivered 7 pups, 5 males got adopted effortlessly, the two females did not. That’s when I realized the discrimination against female dogs and pups and the utter lack of sterilisation facilities.

I started feeding the strays in Ranikhet, 11 kms away because there’s no dog catcher available in the entire district. If we were to catch them for sterilisation we’d have to make them friendly enough for capturing ourselves. After a year and a half of feeding we managed to get permission from the District Magistrate Almora to take our dogs to the government Animal Birth Control clinic for sterilisation. We took two dogs at a time, got them spayed, brought them back, kept them at home for their post operative recovery and released them back in their territories once they recovered.

We started getting calls for old dogs, abandoned pets, terminally ill dogs and I started taking them in for treatment or a safe place to spend their final days.

My home is a sanctuary now, for any puppy, kitten, bird, old, injured or sick dog for as long as they need to heal. Some come only to find a final resting place and leave as angels.
